Mast Climbers are platforms that can bear larger loads whilst withstanding all weather conditions. They are supported from the ground up and are fixated on a mast which is tied directly to the building. These are commonly used in cladding, façade work, bricklaying, plastering, painting, balcony works, window installation, shipyards, chimneys or any refurbishment work.

Here is latest Scanclimber video from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, work site The Fennel. Due to very special shape of the building (4 blocks) we used special sliding decks (4000mm x 2800mm) with counter weight system to have extra reach from the platforms. Site had 32 x SC4000 units and 56 x slide out platforms, all units up to 150m height.
Why a Mast Climber?
A Mast Climbing Work Platform is suitable for any type of project, with heights up to 200 metres and 8,000 kilograms; these climbers are reliable and safe for on-site working conditions.
The Benefits:
- Stable and ergonomic allowing it to withstand higher winds
- Enables you to work at your required height
- Help reduces labour costs and time
- Easy transportation
- Reduced need for storage on-site
- Eliminate unauthorised access to buildings